About us
The department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics (Department No.7) caters to the various needs of patients requiring restorative, esthetic & endodontic rehabilitation. This department treats on an average of over 100 patients daily. The treatments range from the traditional Silver Amalgam restorations to Esthetic restorations like Composites and Ceramics. We also cater to other restorations like Inlays, Onlays and Single crowns for post-endodontic rehabilitation of diseased or broken down teeth. We also perform minor surgical procedures like root end resections, hemisections, and management of traumatic injuries.
Our Vision is to,
- Create an environment conducive for enhancement of restorative and endodontic skills.
- Enhance the research and innovative capabilities of the students.
- Incorporate newer technology and techniques in the practice of endodontics and restorative dentistry.
Our Team
Principal, Professor and Head
Dr. K. C. Ponnappa completed BDS in 1995 from A. B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences (Mangalore), and MDS (Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics) in 1997 from SDM College of Dental Sciences, Dharwad.
He is a post graduate teacher since 1998, and he is also in the panel of examiners in various universities across the country, and he is also the university examination paper setter for D. Y. Patil University (Mumbai) & Santosh University (Ghaziabad), Choudhry Charan Singh University (Meerut). He is also in the panel of inspectors for the Dental Council of India (New Delhi).
Dr. Girish T.N. completed BDS in 1998 from Government Dental College, Thiruvananthapuram, and MDS (Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics) in 2003 from Government Dental College, Kozhikode. He is a post graduate teacher since 2006, and he is also in the panel of examiners in various universities across the country. He is also in the panel of inspectors for the Dental Council of India (New Delhi).
Dr. M. C. Ponappa completed BDS in 2000 and MDS (Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics), in 2002 from A. B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences (Mangalore). He is a post graduate teacher since 2006, and he is also in the panel of examiners in various universities across the country.
He is also in the panel of inspectors for the Dental Council of India (New Delhi)
Dr. Ganapathy N M completed his BDS in 2005 from A B Shetty Memorial institute of Dental Sciences and MDS in 2009 from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. He has presented various papers in conferences and has guided postgraduates for paper and poster presentations for the National conferences. He has numerous articles published in various national and international journals to his credit. He is a post graduate teacher since 2016, and is in the panel of examiners in various universities
Senior Lecturer
Dr. K.K.Nanjamma completed BDS in 2004 from A. B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences (Mangalore), and MDS (Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics) from Coorg Institute of Dental Science, Virajpet.
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Sowmya A.V. completed BDS in 2002 from Yenepoya Dental College (Mangalore), and MDS (Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics) 2010 from SDM College of Dental Sciences, Dharwad.
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Seema. M. K completed her BDS in 2007 from Vokkaligara Sangha Dental College Bangalore and MDS in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics in 2011 from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. She has numerous articles published in various national and local journals to her credit.

Senior Lecturer
Dr.Salin Nanjappa completed her BDS in 2009 from J.S.S dental college and MDS from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. She has guided many undergraduates and postgraduates for paper and poster presentations. She has numerous articles published in various national and international journals to her credit.

Senior Lecturer
Dr Nevin Thomas Completed BDS in 2007 from Vinayaka Missions Dental College Salem and MDS in 2012 from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. Has Presented CME program, Is Executive Committee Member in CAESOK and is a member of IACDE.
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Thimmaiah P.B completed his B.D.S and M.D.S from A.B.Shetty Memorial Institute of dental sciences, Deralakatte, Mangalore in the year 2010 and 2015 respectively . He has won the best paper presentation award in the national conference held at Hyderabad in 2013.He has various publications in national and international journals to his credit.
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Paul James Kolathingal completed his B.D.S from Vinayka Mission's Sankarachariar Dental College, Salem affiliated to Vinayaka Deemed University. His M.D.S from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. He has participated in many national and state conferences and participated in various CDE progggrams. He has got article published in national journals.
Senior Lecturer
Dr. M. Neha Subbaiah completed her BDS in 2014 from D. A. Pandu Memorial R. V Dental College, Bangalore (affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) and MDS in 2018 from JSS Academy of Higher Education And Research. She has won the Indian Council of Medical Research grant for the project titled ‘Curriculum review of oral health information in Karnataka state secondary education board syllabus – content. She has won the Best Paper Award at the 41st Karnataka State Dental Conference held at Madikeri in 2013. She has articles published in national and international journals to her credit. She has been awarded RGUHS rank for the subjects of General Anatomy and General and Dental Pharmacology in the year of 2015.
Clinical Facilities
A. Facilities available in the Operative division:Restorative Procedures:
- Silver Amalgam Restorations
- Composite Restorations
- Complex Restorative Procedures
- Metal Restorations for Inlays & Onlays (Gold & Cast Metals).
- Esthetic Restorations for Inlays & Onlays(Composites & Ceramics)
Root Canal Procedures:
- All post graduates are trained extensively in these procedures to manage any complications during any of the Root Canal procedures using surgical microscope.
- The post graduates are thought about the anatomy of the tooth under a surgical microscope.
- Management of root and tooth Perforations.
- Management of separated instruments.
- Post endodontic Procedures (Post & Cores )
- Customized cast metal post
- Prefabricated fibre posts & metal posts
- Crowns
- Post endodontic Procedures
- Full coverage restorations (Crowns)
- All ceramic
- Porcelain fused to metal
- Full metal
The students are trained in the diagnosis and treatment planning of all procedures leading to management of traumatic injuries of teeth. We see a lot of sporting injuries, and we treat close to 35-40 cases of sporting injuries annually.
Minor Surgical Procedures:
- Root end resection
- Hemisection
- Root resection
Cosmetic Procedures:
- Bleaching of discolored teeth
- Composite & Ceramic Veneering
- Tooth Jewels
- Management of discolored teeth. Mildine Diastima closure
- Correction of malformed teeth
- Management of fractured teeth
- Replacement of avulsed (knocked out) teeth.
- Dr. Andrea Laura Dsouza, Gold medal for being the RGUHS university 1st rank holder during 2010.
- Dr. Verghese George, Best paper award during the annual FODI & IES conference, Chandigarh (2008).
- Dr. Verghese George, Best paper award during the annual ISPRP conference, Mangalore (2008).
- Dr. Nanjamma K.K., Best paper award during the annual FODI & IES national conference, Chandigarh (2008).
- Dr. Subin Thomas, Best poster award in the annual FODI & IES national conference, Chandigarh (2008).
- Dr. Andrea Laura D’souza, Best paper in the annual ISPRP conference, Cochin (2009).
- Dr. Nagesh, Best poster award in the Annual Post graduate FODI & IES convention, Chennai (2010).
- Dr. Niyaz, Best poster award in the Annual Post graduate FODI & IES convention, Chennai (2010).
- Dr. Shabrigirish, Best paper in the annual ISPRP conference, Dharwad (2011).
- Dr. Vimal Remy, Best poster in the annual ISPRP conference, Dharwad (2011).
- Dr. Vineesh Krishnan, Best poster in the annual ISPRP conference, Dharwad (2011).
- Dr. Namratha G, Best poster in the annual ISPRP conference, Dharwad (2011).
- Dr. Chaitrika, Best paper award in the annual FODI & IES post graduate convention, Dharwad, (2013).
- Dr. Savant, Best paper award in IDA state conference at Madikeri (2013).
- Dr. Arun Shyam, Second best paper award in state IDA conference Madikeri (2013).
- Dr. Savanth Saji Sebastin, First prize in paper presentation in IACDE & IES Conference, SRM Chennai, 2014.
- Dr. Justin, Dr. Rupshree, First Prize in paper presentation in 7th ISPRP PG convention Bhopal 2014.
- Dr. Basil Tom, First place in paper presentation on 23rd IACDE & IES Conference, Ghaziabad/ New Delhi.
- Dr. Dhanya C.K, Dr. Manju P.S, First place in e-poster on 31st IACDE & IES Conference, Kolkata / West Bengal 2016.
- Dr. Jophy Jose, Dr. Joshil DT, First place in e-poster presentation on 31st IACDE & IES Conference, Kolkata / West Bengal 2016.
- Dr. Dhanya CK, Second prize in poster presentation at 19th Scientific Congress of Asia Pacific Endodontic Confederation and 18th IACDE and IES PG Convention, Delhi April 2017.
- Dr. Joshil DT, First prize in poster presentation at 19th Scientific Congress of Asia Pacific Endodontic Confederation and 18th IACDE and IES PG Convention, Delhi April 2017.
2010 - Hybrid maxillofacial prosthesis: A case report. Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society, 2010; Vol 10(4): 253-256.
- Tissue engineering in endodontics. Journal of Pacific Academy of higher Education & Research; 2010; 1(4): 37-39 Reattachment of dental fragments- an immediate esthetic alternative. Journal of Indian Academy of Aesthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry; Vol 7, March 2010
- Mandibular first molar with multiple canal- report of two cases. International Journal of Dental Clinics 2011:3(1)
- Effects of various irrigation solutions on working length determination by apex locators: an in-vitro study. Journal of International Oral Health, Vol 3, (3) june 2011
- Endodontic management of maxillary first molar with 2 palatal and 3 buccal canals & associated multiple space infection. Journal of International Oral Health, Vol 3; 2011; 3(3)
- "PROBIOTCS": a new hope in oral health ; Karnataka State Dental Journal 2011; 30(4): 119-122
- Vital pulp treatment with MTA- a case report. Acta Odontologica International-2012; 1(1): 11-15 Effect of mouth rinses on the colour of three tooth colored restorative materials. International Journal of Occlusion Medicine & Stomatology; June 2012
- Effect of mouth rinses on the hardness of three tooth colored restorative materials.
- International Journal of Occlusion Medicine & Stomatology; Sept 2012.
- Microbial mechanisms in endodontic flare ups. J. Multi. Dent. Res; 2012; 1(1): 33-38
- Regenerative endodontics: A paradigm shift in endodontic treatment; J. Multi. Dent. Res; 2012; 1(1): 17-22
- Tooth movement with care- a case report of interdisciplinary approach. J. Multi. Dent. Res; 2012; 1(2):26-31
- Occlusal contact marking indicators- an overview in restorative dentistry; J. Multi. Dent. Res; 2012; 1(2): 62-67 Extra- alveolar storage media for avulsed teeth; Hong Kong Dent J, 2012; 9: 84-90
- Nanotechnology “Thinking big about very very small things”; J. Multi. Dent. Res; 2012; 1(1): 39-42.
- Sealing ability of MTA, Calcium phosphate and PMMA bone cement on root ends preared using Erbium: Yttriumaluminum garnet Laser and Ultrasonics evaluated by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. J Conserv Dent 2013 ; 16: 304-8
- To evaluate the Shear bond Strength of 5th (Total etch), 6th (two step self-etch adhesive) and 7th (one step self-etch adhesive) Generation Dentin bonding agents; National research denticon, 2013; 2(2):
- In vitro comparison of flexural strength and elastic modulus of three provisional crown materials used in fixed prosthodontics; Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry; 2013; 5(5).
- Management of palato radicular groove in maxillary lateral incisors. Journal of Natural Science Biology & Medicine; 2014; 5(1): 170-.
- A comparision of amounts of apically extruded debris during retreatment using three different techniques. J Res Adv Dent; 2014, 3(2): 171-178.
- A Quantitative evaluation of debris extruded apically using protaper retreatment files in endodontic retreatment – An in Vitro Study; Endodontology; 2014; 26 (1):165-171.
- Comparative evaluation of loss of minerals from enamel using various bleaching agents- An in vitro study; J Res Adv Dent; 2014, 3(3): 139-145
- Health benefits of Soya and Soya products in Medicine and Dentistry; J Res Adv Dent; 2014, 3(3):48-55
- Mandibular canine with 2 roots and 2 canals: a case report. Indian Journal of Stomatology 2014
- Sealing ability of three root-end filling materials prepared using an erbium : Yttrium aluminum garnet Laser and Ultrasonic tip evaluated by confocal Laser Scanning microscopy. . J Conserv Dent 2015 ; 18(4): 327-330.
- A Comparative Evaluation of the micro-organisms present in Infected & Re- infected Canals with Apical Periodontitis before and after placement of three intra- canal medicaments: An In Vivo study; J Res Adv Dent; 2015; 4(1): 135-141.
- Aberrant root canal configuration in maxillary canine: A case report. International journal of dental and health sciences 2015.
- Effect of 10% Sodium ascorbate on SBS of bleached teeth- an invitro study. Jr of clinical and diagnostic research Vol 9(7) 2015.
- Comparative evaluation of the adverse effects of bleaching agents on Enamel- An in Vitro SEM study; J. Multi. Dent. Res; 2015; 3 (1): 1-4.
- Comparison of the root end sealing ability of 4 different retrograde filling materials in teeth with apices resected at different angles-an invitro study. Jr of clinical and diagnostic research, Vol 10(1) 2016.
- Management of Coffee-bean Crown fracture by fragment reattachment: A case report. Journal of Indian Academy of Aesthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry; 2016.
- Comparative evaluation of dentinal penetration of 3 different sealers with and without smear layer removal-SEM study; Saudi Endo J 2016; 6:16-20.
- Symposium on PREP; 2007. CDE programme: ‘ROTARY ENDODONTICS’ by Dr. Shiju Jacob, 2009.
- CDE programme: ‘Esthetic dentistry’ by Dr. Arvind Shenoy, 2010.
- ISPRP national conference; 2010.
- CDE programme: ‘Rotary endodontics’ by Dr. Vinay, November 2013.
- PRESTO – 2014, 27th and 28th February.
- Hands on course: ‘Composite veneers’ by Dr. Kshitij Mawlikar, August 2014.
- CDE programme: ‘Intraosseous anasesthesia’ by Dr. Vinod Kumar, January 2015.
- CDE programme: ‘Multilayering Technique and Bulkfill Composites’ by Amy Gan, March 2015.
- CDE programme: ‘Microscope & Hands on’ by Dr. George Jacob, October 2015.
- CDE programme: ‘Anterior Esthetics’ by Dr. Mohankumar, June 2016.
Areas of Research Interest:
- Surgical microendodontics
- Root repair materials
- Applications of Lasers in endodontics
- Studies on Stem cells.
- Effects Of Different Power Settings Of Nd:Yag And Er:YAG Lasers On Gutta Percha Removal – An In Vitro Study.
- The Effect Of Er:YAG Laser On The Shear Bond Strength Of Fifth And Sixth Generation Dentin Bonding Agents- An In-Vitro Study.
- Comparative Evaluation Of Dentinal Penetration Of Three Different endodontic Sealers With And Without Smear Layer Removal - Sem Study.
- Evaluation of Efficacy of Four Natural Products as Intracanal Medicaments Against E- Faecalis- An Invitro Study.
- Sealing Ability Of Three Root End Filling Materials Prepared Using Er:YAG Laser And Endosonic Tip.
- Comparison Of Root Canal Morphologies Of Maxillary Premolars In Kodava & Tibetan Population Using Clearing Technique: An In Vitro Study
- Sealing Ability Of MTA, Calcium Phosphate And PMMA Bone Cements On Root Ends Prepared Using An Er.YAG Laser And Ultrasonics Evaluated By Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
- Evaluation Of Marginal Intergrity Of Class II Composite Restoration With Two Different Liners And Variable Modes Of Curing At Different Time Intervals- An In-Vitro Study
- Fracture Resistance of Maxillary Premolars with Class II MOD Cavities Restored With Direct and Indirect Composite Restorative Systems - An In-Vitro Study.
- Influence of Sonic Energy on Thomas Micro leakage of posterior Composites – An invitro Study
- Comparative evaluation of sealing ability Joseph of Bio ceramic Root Repair material, Zirconia containing GIC and MTA on Root Ends prepared using Er. YAG LASER AND ULTRASONICS – A CONEFOCAL LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPIC STUDY.
- A direct contact test to evaluate the Tom ankbanterial Efficacy of 3 different endodontic sealers – An invitro study
- Evaluation of efficacy of two plant Sharma plants Extracts as intracranial medicaments against E- facials: An invitro study
- SEM evaluation & comparison pumia of effect of variable lower setting of Er- yar Laser eching in Defferent age groups.
- A Comparative evaluation of Ramesh Kumar Frantne resistant strength of class II MOD Cavities in pacemakers restoral mouth advanced composite resin restorative system – an invitro srnchy .
- Efficacy of Aqueous ozone against enchopenthologenic microorganisms an in vitro study
- Effect of GP solvents on the Sebastin accuracy of two commercially available open locators – An in vitro study.
- Comparision of fratere resistance of endodontology trenked promoters restored with three commercially available posteriors composite core build up materials an in vitro study.
- Comparative evaluation of root canal morphology of posterior teeth in a group of tribal population of Kerala and general Kerala population using CBCT an in vitro study
- Removal of Calcium Hydroxide Intracanal Medicament using ultrasonic rotary files hand using files with different irrigating solutions an in vitro Comparative Sem study
- An in vitro Study to copaseopical sealing ability of three obturation techniques in presence of apically separated niti rotary files.