Oral Medicine and Radiology

About us

Oral Medicine is a branch of dental science which is at the interface between Medicine and Dentistry. Diagnosis of oral soft and hard tissue lesions, dental management of medically compromised patients, non-invasive management of mucosal lesions, chronic orofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders and salivary gland diseases is emphasized here thus contributing to a comprehensive patient care.

Oral Radiology deals with the techniques and interpretation of radiographs of the maxillofacial region for diagnosis and treatment planning.

The Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology of Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences is the place where the initial screening of all outpatients attending the hospital is performed and clinical and radiographic diagnosis of various diseases of the oral and paraoral structures is established. This department attends to an average of over 250 patients daily. Here, the undergraduate and post graduate students work under close supervision of faculty. The Department is involved in various research activities including clinical trials and collaborative research with universities abroad.

Our Vision
is to train students in the field of Oral Medicine and Radiology so as to ensure a high level of competence in both general and special area of interest in the specialty and prepare him/her for a career in specialty practice, research and didactic skills with primary emphasis on patient management skills and high ethical standards.

Our Team

Professor and Head
Dr. Veena S.N. completed her BDS in 1999 from JSS Dental College and Hospital, Mysore University and MDS from Bapuji Dental College affiliated to RGUHS in 2005.

She has co-authored a Textbook on Radiation Hazards in Maxillofacial Imaging. She has numerous publications in specialty, national and international journals. She is currently the editor of Coorg Dental Times. She is actively involved in research activities in Collaboration with Faculty of Dentistry, Hong Kong University. She has keen interest in research pertaining to Telemedicine and Telediagnosis. She has delivered lectures at Continuing Dental education programs and chaired many scientific paper and poster presentations at national conferences.

She has been UG and PG examiner for exams conducted by RGUHS and Kerala Health University. She has conducted numerous DCI inspection for both UG and PG courses. She is a member of the institutional Anti Ragging Committee.

Image Dr. DIVYA A.
Dr. Divya. A completed her BDS from Farooqiua Dental College affiliated to RGUHS in 2001 and she completed her MDS from JSS Dental College and Hospital in 2006. She was awarded the best scientific paper at the National IAOMR Conference at Goa in 2004.

She had been member of the Executive Committee of IAOMR in 2009. She is a post graduate guide and had guided undergraduates and the post graduates in the field of research pertaining to Oral medicine. She has been actively involved in academics and has numerous national and international publications to her credit. She has been UG and PG examiner for examinations conducted by the RGUHS.
Dr. R. Krupa Shankar completed his BDS from Kuvempu University in 2001 and MDS in 2009 from MR Ambekar Dental College affiliated to RGUHS.

He has guided many undergraduates for scientific paper and poster for various scientific conferences. He is also post graduate guide and has over a decade of teaching experience in General Dentistry. He is currently member of Board of Studies for UG Curriculum at RGUHS. He has been UG and PG examiner in exams conducted by RGUHS and Kerala Health University. He has authored Textbook on Radiation Biology and also co-authored Textbook on TMJ Imaging. He also has many publications in various national and international journals. He is a member of the editorial board of Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research.

He is the Secretary of the IDA, Coorg Branch and has organized numerous oral health and Oral Cancer Awareness programs across Coorg District, actively engaging himself in dental public health community camps and programs in spreading oral health awareness among the general public. He has anchored and conducted live television programs on a weekly basis in Kodagu channel on oral and maxillofacial disorders and its impact on general well being.
Image Dr. KAVITHA A.P.
Dr. Kavitha A.P completed her BDS from Yenepoya Dental College in 2003 and MDS in 2012 from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. She won the best poster prize at the National IAOMR Conference held at Indore in 2009 and the 1st Prize in Post graduate Quiz Competition held at the National IAOMR Conference held in Bengaluru in 2011.

She has authored a Handbook on MRI of The Maxillofacial Complex. She has many articles published in various national and international journals. She has keen interest research pertaining to salivary based diagnostics. She is a reviewer for journals published by Innovative Publications and also for Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, Sage Publications. She is presently the assistant editor for Coorg Dental Times. She has chaired many scientific paper presentations and has guided undergraduates and post graduates for various paper and poster presentations for National UG and PG conferences.
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Rachita Chengappa completed her BDS in 2010 and MDS in 2015 from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. She has won the best paper presentation at the National IAOMR Conference held at Lucknow in 2013. She is certified in Tobacco Sensitization and Control Activities. She has guided many undergraduates for paper and poster presentations for the National IAOMR UG conferences. She has numerous articles published in various national and international journals to her credit.

Senior Lecturer
Dr.Yeshoda completed her BDS in 2006 from KSDS and MDS in 2017 from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. She has won the best paper presentation at the National IAOMR convention held at Chennai 2016. She has Fellowship in Oral Imaging from Tsurumi University, Japan. She has guided many undergraduates for paper and poster presentations for the National IAOMR UG conferences. She has articles published in various National and International journals to her credits.

Senior Lecturer
Dr. Neha Vijayakumaran completed her BDS in 2013 from RVS dental college and hospital affiliated to Dr. MGR Medical University and Health sciences and MDS in 2018 from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. She secured distinction in the Post Graduate exam and was the second topper in Coorg institute of dental sciences and 5th rank in RGUHS. She has authored a Textbook on Maxillofacial Imaging in Forensic Sciences. She also has papers published in state and national journals to her credit.

Clinical Facilities

  • The Department of Oral Medicine has provision for Screening for oral cancer, Diagnosis and management of Potentially Malignant Disorders, Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and other chronic pain conditions, Noninvasive management of salivary gland disorders, Management of mucocutaneous lesions, Dental management of medically compromised patients, Diagnosis and management of oral manifestations of systemic disorders.
  • The Department of Oral Radiology has facilities for Digital imaging of oral and maxillofacial structures including the provision for Digital OPG, Lateral Cephalogram and skull views. The Conventional medical radiography unit is used for skull views, chest radiographs and other views for medical radiography (cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, pelvic views). This Department caters to the need of radiolographic investigations and diagnosis of medical and dental clinics in and around Coorg District.
  • In addition to the above facilities, the department has facilities for sialography, sialometry procedures. The department also has a medical practitioner for consultations of medically compromised patients. The department also houses comprehensive collection of posters and charts.


  • Dr. Kavitha A.P, First prize for Poster at National IAOMR Conference at Indore in 2009.
  • Dr. Kavitha A.P, First prize for quiz at National PG IAOMR Convention in 2011 at Bangalore.
  • Dr. Abinethra M.S, First rank (won gold medal) in MDS Exams conducted by RGUHS in 2010.
  • Dr. Deepu Krishna, Third rank in MDS exams conducted by RGUHS in 2010.
  • Dr. Rachita Chengappa, Second prize for paper presentation at 25th National IAOMR conference held at Lucknow in October 2013.
  • Dr. Nima Maria Francis, First prize for poster at 25th National IAOMR Conference held at Lucknow in October 2013.
  • Dr. Sandhya, Best paper presentation award at National IAOMR PG Convention held at Chennai in September 2015.
  • Dr. Yeshoda, Best paper presentation award at National IAOMR PG Convention held at Chennai in September 2015.
  • Dr. Maruthi, Overall best paper award (K.S. Ganapathy Award) at National IAOMR Conference held at Hyderabad in December 2015.
  • Dr. Deepthi, Best paper award (Original Research Category) at 28th National IAOMR conference held at Kanyakumari in December 2016.
  • 3 University ranks were procured by the post graduate students during MDS RGUHS examination of 2016. Drs. Ramaprakasha B, Asha and Nima Maria Francis have secured 2nd, 3rd and 4th rank respectively.
  • Student Exchange Program
    The post graduate students Drs. Yeshoda, Abinayashree and Deepthi T.R have attended Postgraduate Training Course at Tsurumi University, Japan during the period from February 6th to February 17th 2017. They participated in observations and discussions in the Department of Oral Medicine Maxillofacial Radiology and Diagnosis and Department of Pathology.


  • Rajashekhar EH, Amar AS, Sharathchandra B, Jaishankar HP, Veena SN. Oral malignancy an uncommon presentation with sinus tract opening – A case report. Calif Dent J. 2010;38: 814-17.
  • Krupashankar R. Rare diagnosis is rarely correct. Coorg Dental Times, 2010;1: 7-9.
  • Sandeepa NC, Jaishanker HP, Sharathchandra B, Veena SN, Yeshaswini T. Sporotrichosis of maxillary sinus. World J Dent. 2011; 2(3):269-271.
  • Veena SN, Ashok L. Osteoporosis- Dental Implications. JIAOMR. 2011;23(3):211-215.
  • Jaishankar HP, Shashidara R, Jayanth BS, Aparna HG, Krupashankar R, Vijayakumar A. Metastatic thyroid carcinoma of mandible. Dental Follicle. 2011;6(4):
  • Ananda D, Kannan N, Patil R, Sarath V, Gadagi JS. Diagnostic significance of Peutz – Jeghers syndrome: A case report with oral physician’s perspective. Clin Cancer Investig J. 2012;1(2):74-77.
  • Talari BH, Ananda D, Prince CN, Annaporna CS, Pranavadhyani. Fusion of complex odontome with permanent mandibular molar. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2012;4(suppl 2):S146-148.
  • Shankaranarayanan S, Ramachandran P, Ravi VR, Divya A. Dental pulp stem cells for treating unhealed diabetic foot ulcer: a pioneering attempt. JIDAT. 2012; 4(15):27-29.
  • Krupashankar R. Scope of oral medicine in general practice. Coorg Dental Times, 2012, 1: 5-6.
  • Girish TN, Krupashankar R, Ganapathy NM.Microbial Mechanisms in Endodontic Flare Ups. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research,2012;1(1):33-38
  • Girish TN, Krupashankar R. Extra alveolar storage media for avulsed teeth. Hong Kong Dent J, 2012; 9:84-90.
  • Shashidara R, Jayanth BS, Aparna HG, Kavitha AP. Lymphoepithelial cyst of the submental region- A case report and review of literature. RGUHS J Dent Sci 2012; 4(2): 94-98.
  • Veena SN, Giridhar N, Ragavendra R, Shubangi MJ, Maya H. Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor of the mandible with unusual radiographic features: A Case report, Imaging Sci Dent. 2013:43:111-115.
  • Veena SN, Kavitha AP. Radiation Safety for the Dental Practitioner: A Historical Perspective and Current guidelines. Coorg Dental Times. 2013:10-15.
  • Krupashankar R. Communication Skill for Dental Practice. Coorg Dental times. 2013;2:8-9.
  • Vijayakumar A, Jaishankar HP, Kavitha AP, Poornachandra RN. Prolotherapy: A New hope for Temporomandibular joint Pain. Indian J Pain,2013; 27(2):49-53.
  • Joseph BB, Veena SN, Jaishankar HP, Krupashankar R. Acromegaly - Case Report. J Clin Biomed Sci. 2014; 4(1):247-50. Jijin MJ, Jaishankar HP, Krupashankar R, Veena SN, Kavitha AP, Shobha R. Eye of horus – Erratum revealed a prescription survey. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2014;3(6):1016-1019.
  • Khan AM, Narayanan VS, Puttabuddi JH, Rakaraddi M, Chengappa R, Vallurupalli PK. Cephalometric characteristics of patients with Temporomandibular disorders: A radiographic cross-sectional study. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2014; 26(2):133-38.
  • Shobha R, Veena SN, Jaishankar HP, Mangala R, Jijin MJ. Prevalence of symptoms of TMDs in a dental student population- A cross sectional descriptive study. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol Med. 2014;1(2):54-57.
  • Chandru TP, Kruapshankar R. Dental sealant knowledge, opinion, values and extent of its usage by practicing dentists in Davangere. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research; 2014:2(2); 16-23.
  • Chandru TP, Kruapshankar R, Girish TN, Shubha KM. Health benefits of soya and soya products in medicine and dentistry- A Review. J Res Adv Dent. 2014; 3:3:48-55
  • Aparna HG, Kavitha AP, Jayanth BS, Shashidara R. Canalicular adenoma of parotid gland. A case report. J Adv Clin Res Insights. 2014; 2:61-63.
  • Jijin MJ, Jaishankar HP, Veena SN, Krupashankar R, Kavitha AP. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome in an adolescent female: A case study. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015;9(5):ZD23-ZD25.
  • Asha, Veena SN, Krupashankar R, Kavitha AP, Shobha R, Jijin MJ, Yogish P. Awareness towards Radiation Protection Measures among Dental Practitioners in Coorg District: A questionnaire Study. Int J Dent Health Sci. 2015; 2(6):1460-65.
  • Rachita KC, Mangala R, Khan MA, Veena SN, Jijin MJ, Krupashankar R. Primary Antibiotic susceptibility testing in Odontogenic infections – A clinical study. Int. J. Pharma Sci Drug Res. 2015;7(6):474-47.
  • Vijayshankar LV, Veena KR, Pradeep PR, Veena SN, Krupashankar R, Mahesh H. Hemisection: A Two years follow up case report. Coorg Dental times. 2015;1:16-18.
  • Chengappa R, Khan AM, Puttaswamy K, Kolathingal PJ. Schulz and Brand TYPE A- 4 Dense invaginatus with radicular cyst: A rare case report. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2015; 27: 245-8.
  • Nima MF, Mangala PR, Veena SN, Krupashankar R, Kavitha AP. Role of Dental Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine. Int J Sci Res. 2016; 5(1): 1459-65.
  • Asim MK, Veena SN, Jaishankar HP, Rachita C, Vijayakumar A, Poornachandrarao N, Syed AR. Comparison of taste threshold in smokers and non-smokers using electrogustometry and fungiform papillae count: A case control study. J Clin Diagn Res 2016 May, 10 (5) : ZCI0I - ZC105.
  • Jijin MJ, Mangala R, Jagadish P, Jaishankar HP, Krupshankar R, Kavitha AP, Anjana R, Shobha R. Low level laser therapy versus 5% Amlexanox: A comparison of treatment effects in a cohort of patients with minor aphthous ulcers. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2016;121: 269-273.
  • Chengappa RK, Narayanan VS, Khan AM, Rakaraddi MP, Puttaswamy KA, Puttabuddi JH. Utility of two methodologies in the clinical assessment of oral dryness in postmenopausal women. J Mid‑life Health, 2016; 7:114-8.
  • Kavitha AP, Jaishankar HP, Shashidara R. Correlation between Salivary Glucose and Blood Glucose and the Implications of Salivary Factors on the Oral Health Status in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients. J Int Soc Prev Comm Dent. 2017;1(7):28-33. o


  • Regional Symposium: ‘Oral and Maxillofacial Oncology Management in India: An Integrated approach’ was conducted on 28th May 2012.
  • CDE Programme: ‘Unveiling the Shades of Grey – Workshop on Radiographic Interpretation’ was conducted on 23rd August 2014.
  • CDE Programme: Samhita 1- The confluence of Ideas on ‘Oral Mucosal Lesions- Simplified and Basic of CBCT Interpretation’ was conducted on 12th January 2016.
  • CDE Programme: Samhita 2- The confluence of Ideas on ‘Insight into Temporomandibular Disorders’ was conducted was organized on 23rd September 2016.


Areas of Research Interest:
  • Diagnosis and management of potentially malignant disorders.
  • Diagnosis and medical management of TMD’s.
  • Diagnosis and management of Orofacial pain.
  • Diagnosis and non-invasive management of salivary gland disorders.
  • Application of alternative medicine in the management of oral mucosal lesions.
  • Application of Telemedicine in the diagnosis of oral mucosal lesions.
Current research:
  • A single blinded cross over trial of Biotene versus ascorbic acid in geriatric patients with Xerostomia.
  • Antifungal activity of commercially available herbal and non-herbal tooth pastes against Candida – An invitro study.
  • Aloe vera as an adjuvant to Lycopene in the management of Oral Submucus Fibrosis.
  • Propolis in the management of minor recurrent aphthous stomatitis: A randomized double blinded placebo controlled trial.
  • Ability of panoramic radiography in assessing the relationship between impacted mandibular third molar and inferior alveolar canal.
  • Variable effect of curcumin on planktonic and biofilm phases of Candida.
  • Comparison of Curcumin and Clotrimazole 1% in the management of Denture Stomatitis.
  • Telediagnosis in potentially malignant diseases of oral cavity.
  • Prevalence of Oral Mucosal Lesions in the Geriatric population: A Hospital based study.
  • Comparison of virgin coconut oil with 5% amlexanox in management of minor recurrent aphthous ulcer- a randomized control trial.
  • 5 %Acetic acid as a diagnostic adjunct in oral potentially malignant disorders.
  • Prevalence and risk indicators of oral mucosal lesions in adult patients visiting primary health centres and community health centres in kodagu district.
  • Practice of self medication in symptomatic oral mucosal lesions among patients visiting a dental hospital in south coorg- a cross sectional study
  • Pain characterization of symptomatic oral mucosal lesions among patients visiting a dental hospital in South Coorg- a questionnaire bases cross sectional study
  • Myths related to Oral Diseases: A cross sectional hospital based questionnaire study
  • Oral Cancer awareness among Transport Employees.