Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopaedics

About us

We at the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics believe that the core of any academic programme demands a peaceful, stress free environment.

The department boasts of over 6000 sq. ft. facility which encompasses graduate and post graduate clinics, library, Wi-Fi, seminar hall, a well-equipped laboratory, and sterilization room according to international standards for both post graduate as well as graduate training. The department has an intake of 6 post graduates every academic year. The postgraduates are trained on a comprehensive curriculum which engages them in preclinical training for the first five months of their first year post graduate schedule. The post graduates are encouraged to take thesis topics related to recent advances and techniques in the field of Orthodontics. They are trained extensively in Pre adjusted edgewise appliance, Damon technique, Lingual technique, Self-ligating bracket system, Functional therapy, Accelerated Orthodontics and surgical orthodontics. The department prides itself in training post graduates in naso–alveolar moulding for infants as old as a day and also in surgical first approach for orthognathic cases. The post graduates are trained under the able guidance of 9 M.D.S staff with various levels of experience and expertise.

Our Vision
is to Provide a peaceful, stress free environment for the students, Sharpen clinical and theoretical skills in Orthodontics thereby helping them to reach the pinnacle in Contemporary Orthodontics.

Our Team

Image Dr. GOUTHAM B.
Professor and Head
Completed BDS from S.J.M Dental College, Chitradurga in the year 2003 and MDS from Rajah Muthaiah Dental College, Annamalai University in 2007. He has contributed following chapters in text book Orthodontics, S Gowri Sankar- Treatment Planning, Extractions in Orthodontics.

Chair Professor
Dr. Sunil Muddaiah completed BDS in 1992 and MDS (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics) in 1994 from A.B Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore. Currently he is appointed as Dean Academics.

Image Prof. hc. PETER BORBELY
Distinguished Visiting Professor
Dr. Peter Borbely completed BDS in 1976 from Semmelweis University, Budapest (Hungary) and MDS (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics) in 1993 from Universität Hamburg (Germany).

Prof Emeritus ,Distinguished Professor and Advisor CIDS
Assoc Director & Advisor , Max Health Care Chief Architect and Cofounder Smart health.ai

Dr. Balakrishna Shetty, completed BDS from Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal in the year 1996, and MDS from J.S.S Dental College and Hospital in 2001.

Dr. Sanju Somaiah completed BDS from J.S.S Dental College and Hospital, Mysore in the year 1999, and MDS from College of Dental Sciences, Davangere in 2003.

Dr. Alex Abraham completed BDS from A.B Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore in the year 2006, and MDS from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences in 2009.

Dr. Suhailuddin completed his BDS from KLE, Bangalore in 2008 and his MDS (Orthodontics) in 2012 from Yenepoya Dental College, Mangalore

Senior Lecturer
Dr. Roopa Siddegowda completed BDS from Bapuji Dental College & Hospital, Davangere in the year 2004, MDS from JSS Dental College & Hospital, Mysore in the year 2010 and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from Vokkaligara Sangha Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore in the year 2014.

Senior Lecturer

Senior Lecturer
Dr. Vikram Susil completed his BDS in 2013 and MDS in 2017 from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. His area of interest is Smile Designing in Cleft Lip & Palate patients. He is constantly upgrading his knowledge in his field by attending many conferences and continuing dental education programmes.He has numerous articles published in various national journals to his credit.

Senior Lecturer
Dr. Namitha Nanu completed her BDS in 2013 and MDS in 2017 from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. Her area of interest is esthetic orthodontics and material science. Her strengths are her punctuality and aspiration to learn recent advances and apply them in practice and pass this knowledge to students as effectively as possible. She has numerous articles published in various national journals to her credit.

Senior Lecturer
Dr. Akshatha V Mysuru completed her BDS in 2014 and MDS in 2018 from D.A.P.M.R.V Dental college, Bengaluru and College of Dental Sciences, Davangere affiliated to RGUHS respectively. She is author, researcher and twice a university ranker (June 2010,2013). She is certified Invisalign practitioner, trained in various contemporary Orthodontic treatment modalities. She has to her credit national and international publications in high impact journals. Her recent contribution to clinical innovation category has gained worldwide attention, following publication in international journal.

Clinical Facilities

  • Number of outpatients screened every month: 1100
  • Each postgraduate student treats 90 fixed mechanotherapy cases during the programme
  • Training includes: Straight wire appliance, Self-ligating, Lingual, Clear aligners, Naso alveolar Moulding, Damon technique, Accelerated Orthodontics.
  • Well Equipped Lingual Laboratory
  • Micro implants
  • Lasers in orthodontics
  • Research collaboration with the University of Hong Kong
  • Optional posting with South East Asian Dental School Associated with SAADE(South East Asian Association for Dental Education)
  • Optional two month posting for postgraduates at the Department of Orthodontics, Dental School University of Hong Kong
  • Collaboration with German Cleft Children Aid society for NAM
  • Collaboration with Swiss Smile for Cleft Orthodontics and NAM.


  • Dr. Nidhi Ravindran, First place for poster presentation in the National IDA conference held in Mangalore in 2008.
  • Dr. Namitha, Dr. Manjunath, Second place in the IOS quiz competition held in Davangere in 2009.
  • Dr. Jyotsna, First place for paper presentation in IOS PG CONVENTION held in Davangere in 2009.
  • Dr. Reji Joseph, First place for paper presentation (Modified MUST appliance) in IOS PG CONVENTION in 2010.
  • Dr. Sirajuddeen, Third place for paper presentation (Nasoalveolar Moulding). in IOS PG CONVENTION held in Manali in 2011.
  • Dr. Shraddha Balla, First place for poster presentation (Liquid Orthodontics) in IOS PG convention held in Bangalore in 2015.
  • Dr. Sundeep Rampal, Third place for poster presentation in IOS Lingual Conference in August 2016.


  • Minor tooth corrections with the essix system – A case report. International Journal of Dental Clinics. Vol3, Issue 4. October-December 2011. Sunil Muddaiah, Giri B T, BK Shetty, Muraleedhara Bhat, Rami Reddy, Yash Shekatkar
  • Modified MUST appliance. Journal of Dentistry and Oral Biosciences. 2011:2; 3, 20-22. BK Shetty, Sunil Muddaiah, Rami Reddy, Raja Subhash, Reji Joseph
  • Cephalometric evaluation of dentoalveolar and morphological changes associated with overbite in maxilla and mandible in 13 to 18 year old adolescent. International Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. August 2011. Vol 2 (4) Giri B.T, Jyothi kiran, Shivlinga B.M, Sanju Somaiah
  • Air abrasion as an adjunct to conventional acid etching in Orthodontic bonding. Journal of Dental Sciences and Research. Vol 2 (2), Sept 2011 Nandini, Hemalatha, Sanju Somaiah
  • An evaluation of nasolabial angle and the relative inclinations of the nose and upper lip. Journal of Contemporary dental practice. May-June 2011, Vol12 (3). Nandini, Prashanth , Sanju Somaiah, SRK Reddy
  • A Comparative evaluation of arch changes in extraction and non-extraction cases, International Journal of contemporary dentistry 2(6) 2011. Goutham B, Anisha, Rajasigamani
  • A scientific review of application of lasers in Orthodontics Part I, Dentaires Revista, Vol 3 Issue 2, 2011. Goutham B, Anisha, Rajasigamani
  • A scientific review of application of laser in Orthodontics Part II, Dentaires Revista, Vol 3, issue 3 ,2011. Goutham B, Anisha, Rajasigamani
  • Clear aligner therapy – An overview. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research. Vol 1, issue 1, Jan – march 2012. Sunil Muddaiah, BK Shetty, Muraleedhara Bhat, Vijayananda K.M
  • Closed Loop Spring- Revisited. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research. Vol 1: Issue 1, Jan-Mar 2012. Sunil Muddaiah, BK Shetty, Sanju Somaiah, Giri B.T
  • Tooth Movement with care – A case report of Interdisciplinary Approach. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research .Vol 1, issue 2, Sept- Nov 2012. BK Shetty, Sunil Muddaiah, Jagadish Pai, Padma, Ponappa K.C, Girish
  • Ortho – Perio management of severely crowded tooth. Journal of Multidisciplinary Denistry ; vol 1 : Issue 2 ; 2012. Suhailuddin, Achyuta S, Raghuraj
  • Questionnaire Designing for a Survey J Ind Orthod Soc 2012; 46(3):67-72.Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • The ethical aspects of health research SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences 2012; Vol 3: Issue 3, 204-207. Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • Effectiveness of Botulinum toxin – A, in unravelling Gummy smile – “A prospective Clinica Study”. APOS Publications. Vol III, No3, 2013. Sanju Somaiah, Sunil Muddaiah,BK Shetty, Vijayananda, Muraleedhara Bhat, Shetty Priyesh
  • A Cross-sectional Epidemiological Survey on Prevalence of Malocclusion in Government, Aided and Private School Children of Karnataka. Universal Journal of Public Health 2013; 1(3):124-130. Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • Prevalence of malocclusion in four zones of Karnataka State school children using Ackermann- Proffit system. – An Epidemiological
  • Survey. Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy 2013; 4: 27, 113-117. Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • Evaluation of pre and post treatment changes in the alveolus of infant with cleft lip and palate using nasoalveolar moulding. APOS Trends in Orthodontics. 2013:3; 4,110-115. BK Shetty, Sirajuddeen T, Puthiyaveedu, Sunil Muddaiah Sanju Somaiah, Vijayananda, Jose Jacob
  • Prevalence of Malocclusion in School Children of Karnataka Based on the Socio-Economic Backgrounds – A Cross-Sectional Survey.
  • International Journal Of Scientific Research 2013; Vol 2: Issue 9, 200-203. Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • Interferon stimulated gene-ISG15 is a potential diagnostic biomarker in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013:14,1147-1150. Rupesh P, Sunil Muddaiah, Basavraj S, Ponappa M, Adarsh S, Venkatram S, Arvind R
  • Awareness of Orthodontic Treatment in School Children of Karnataka State – A Survey. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2013; Vol 1:78-81. Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • Yen linear: A sagittal cephalometric parameter. Journal of world federation of orthodontics.2013:2;2,57-60. Sundeep Shetty, Akther Hussain, Parag M, Suhailuddin
  • An Epidemiological Survey on Awareness towards Orthodontic Treatment in South Indian School Children. Open Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine 2013; 1(1): 5-8. Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • Assessment of Malocclusion in school children of Karnataka State between the age groups of 10-12 years and 13-16 years. A Cross-sectional Descriptive Survey. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2013; Volume 11, Issue 3, 6-12. Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • Comparative study of Mandibular morphology in patients with Hypodivergent and Hyperdivergent growth patterns- A Cephalometric study. J Ind Orthod Soc 2013; 47(4):377-381. Roopa S, Raghunath, Kanhu Charan, BM Shivalinga
  • Two Phase Treatment of Class III Malocclusion SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences 2013; Vol 4: Issue 4,167-172. Roopa Siddegowda, Kanhu Charan, Sunny Jain
  • A clinical Insight of Deep-bite and its management International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2013; Vol.3; Issue: 10, 121-126. Pavithra AS, Roopa S
  • A Comparative Cephalometric evaluation of speech disorders in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients and normal individuals. Indian Journal of Dental Sciences 2013; Vol 5: Issue 4, 1-5. Kanhu Charan,Ashish Kumar,Roopa S, Sumita Mishra
  • Analysis of stress in the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone of the maxillary first molars during intrusion with microscrew implants. A 3D Finite Element Study. World Journal of Dentistry.2014:5;1,11-16.Pavithra AS, GS Prashanth, Silju Mathew, Shekar SE
  • Comparison between efficacy of four different types of orthodontic seperators. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.2014:8; 8, 41-44. Manjunath A, Biswas PP, Sunil Muddaiah, Rami Reddy, BKShetty, Jyosna Preetham, Sanjay N, Sujeet Singh
  • An Epidemiological Survey on Awareness and Psychological concern of malocclusion among 10-16 year school children in Karnataka State. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences 2014; 1(3):210-218.Roopa S, Kanmani, MS Rani
  • Evaluation of apical root resorption in orthodontic patients with maxillary anterior intrusion using utility arches and miniscrews- A comparative clinical trial. APOS Publications.2014:4;1, 1-6.Muraleedhar B, Vivek SN, Sanju Somaih, Vijayanand A
  • Evaluating the Psychological Concern of Malocclusion among Karnataka School Children of Different Socioeconomic Grounds. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2014; Vol.4; Issue: 1, 17-21. Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • An Epidemiological survey on Awareness of orthodontic treatment in school children from four divisions of Karnataka state, India. World Journal of Medicine and Medical Science. 2014; vol 2, no 1, 1-6. Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • Full mouth rehabilitation of severely worn out deciduous dentition in conjunction with crown lengthening procedure: A Case report.International Journal of Dental Research.2014:2;1,29-31.Diwakar K.P, Sukumar B, Anoop N, Ranjith K, Suhailuddin, Himanshu J
  • Malocclusion status in Mixed and permanent dentition of school children in Karnataka state. J Adv Med Scien 2014; 2(1): 10-16. Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • Evaluating the gender difference in the Psychological concern of malocclusion among Karnataka state school children. Journal of Dental Peers 2014, Vol 11: Issue 4, 244-249. Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • The Prevalence of Malocclusion and its gender distribution among Indian School Children – An Epidemiological survey. SRM Journal of Dental Sciences 2014; Vol 5: Issue 4, 224-229. Roopa Siddegowda, MS Rani
  • A New Attachment for Mock Surgery in Hanau Wide Vue Arcon Articulator J Ind Orthod Soc 2014; 40(2): 44-47. Kanhu Charan, Roopa S, Raghunath, BM Shivalinga
  • Guided Eruption of multiple Impacted teeth – using a Modified manipulate JCO publications VOL XLIX NO: 4. BK Shetty, Sanju Somaiah, Sunil Muddaiah, Shahista Parveen, Sirajudeen
  • “Current Pratice and applicability of Fornsic dentistry in India” Journal of South India Medico legal Association (JSIMCA).Pavithra S
  • Three-dimensional facial analyses of Indian and Malaysian women. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry 2015; Vol 6: Jul-Sep (3), 332-336. Preethi K,Zarir, Roopa S, Ladusingh
  • Two phase treatment of skeletal class II with twin block functional appliances: A case report. Coorg Dental Times. June 2015. Sriram, Devi Prasad, Sunil Muddaiah, Goutham Reddy
  • Mapping the prevalence of deleterious oral habits among 10-16 year old children in Karnataka. A Cross-sectional study. Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry.2015:13; 4,399. Srinath, Roopa S, MS Rani
  • Evaluation of a Modified nickel titanium spring and T loop in canine retraction. A comparative clinical study, Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry, 2016:6; 1, 1-7. Sanju Somaiah, Jose Jacob, Sunil Muddaiah, Goutham Reddy
  • Evaluation of Maxillary arch width changes with orthodontic treatment involving first premolar extraction and non-extraction cases. Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry, 2016:5; 3s, 207-213.Vandana Gulia, BK Shetty, Sunil Muddaiah, Goutham Reddy
  • Evaluation of the effects of three bracket types on periodontal status. .Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry, 2016:5; 3s, 190-197.Namitha Nanu, BK Shetty, Sunil Muddaiah, Shashidhara R
  • To determine the need for Orthodontic treatment in school going children in the age group of 12 to 16 years of Kodava Community in Coorg District in Karnataka state. Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry 2016:6; 1, 47-53. Sanju Somaiah, Sundeep Rampal, Sunil Muddaiah, Jithesh Jain
  • Comparison of efficiency of MBT and Butterfly brackets- An FEM study .Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry. 2016: 5;3s,168-174.Rahul Rajeev, Sunil Muddaiah, Goutham Reddy, Sanju Somaiah
  • Comparative Assessment of EN MASSE retraction and amount of anchorage loss in Damon Q and Mbt brackets: A Clinical Study. Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry.2016 6:1;110-113. Vikram Susil, Sunil Muddaiah, Goutham Reddy, Sanju Somaiah
  • Comparative Evaluation Of human saliva for the presence of nickel released from coated and uncoated nickel titanium arch wires in Orthodontic Patients by Inductively Coupled Plasma- Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. A Clinical Study .journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry.2016 5:3; 92-98. Anisha Manjeni, Goutham Reddy, Raja Sigamani
  • Comparison of soft tissue chin thickness in adult patients with various mandibular divergence patterns in Kodava population. International Journal of Orthodontic Rehabilitation.2017:8;2,51.Sanju Somaiah, MU Khan, Sunil Muddaiah, BK Shetty, Goutham R, Roopa S
  • Soft Tissue Cephalometric Evaluation in Adult Kodava Population. Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry.2017; 6:2:250-260. Alex Abraham, Nidhi Ravindran


Conferences/ CDE Programmes conducted:
  • Symposium: ‘Cognathics’ a two day symposium Jan –Feb 2011.
  • Symposium: ‘Cognathics II – A pan global Symposium’ was conducted on 16th and 17th 2013 September.
  • Pan Global Hands on Course: ‘Tip Edge Plus Mechanics’ on February 17th–20th 2015.
  • Pan Global Hands on Course: ‘De- mystifying Lingual Orthodontics’ on July 7th, 8th & 9th 2015.
  • Pan Global hands on Course: ‘Cleft Orthodontics’ on June 6th & 7th 2016.
  • Academic program: ‘Emerging Trends in Orthodontics- A Master Class’ on March 27th & 28th 2017.


Areas of Research Interest:
  • Damon technique
  • Naso alveolar molding
  • Lasers in orthodontics
  • Lingual Orthodontics
  • Accelerated Orthodontics
  • Surgery first approach
Current research:
  • An Evaluation Of Low Level Laser Therapy For Controlling The Pain Caused By Placement Of The Initial Orthodontic Arch Wire - A Clinical Study
  • An Evaluation Of Periodontal Pathogens Associated With Self-Ligating And Conventional Orthodontics Brackets- A Microbiological Study
  • Comparison of Treatment Results with Two Approaches in Skeletal Class Mi Cases -"Conventional” And "Surgery First Approach".
  • An Evaluation Of The Effect Of Reverse Curve Mushroom Arch Wire For Intruding Lower Incisors In Lingual Orthodontics-A Clinical Study
  • Assessment Of Relationship Between Lingual Frenum And Tongue On Craniofacial Morphology In Adults
  • A Subjective Comparison of Two Lingual Orthodontic Bracket Systems.
  • A comparative evaluation of en masse retraction in Class II malocclusion cases treated with mini implants and conventional Orthodontic mechanics- A clinical study
  • Evaluation of micro flora around the surface of mini implants removed from orthodontic patients-A clinical study.
  • A comparative study on the effect of fluoride and non-fluoride elastomeric ligature on gingival health using infrared thermometer- A clinical study
  • A comparative evaluation of Damon Q brackets with conventional MBT brackets in leveling and aligning- A clinical study.
  • The effect of fixed lingual and labial orthodontic appliances on oral hygiene status-A microbiological study.