Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge

About us

The department of Prosthodontics of the Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences caters to the needs of patients needing replacement of missing natural teeth. This department treats on an average of over 100 patients daily. The treatments range from replacing tooth/teeth by a removable/fixed denture to complicated procedures like replacement of missing maxillofacial structures (eye, nose, ear) with artificial substitutes and placement of dental implants.

Our Team

Image Dr. RUPESH P.L.
Professor and Chair
Dr Rupesh P.L., completed his Bachelor in Dentistry form the AB Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore in 1991 and later went on to complete his masters from the same institute in 1994, during his tenure he had undertaken a study on the aesthetic correlation of the smile line and buccal corridor and had deviced a method of measuring the buccal corridor in individuals, under the guidance of the renowned Gnathologist and Prosthodontist Prof EGR Solomon and Prof. Dr. Sridhar Shetty.

Dr Rupesh has a teaching experience of 18 years in undergraduate teaching of which 8 years is as a post graduate teacher. He is currently working a Professor and Head, Department Prosthodontics and Implantology at the Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences for which he has been a faculty from its inception.

He has been a chairman for many national conferences and CDE program conducted by the institute and is currently the Editor of the Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Dentistry.

He is also a member of the Executive committee The Indian Prosthodontic Society and was also its official online bulletin editor for the year 2011 -13.

Professor and Head
Dr. Basavaraj Salagundi completed his BDS from PMNM Dental College and Hospital, Bagalkot in 1997 and his MDS (Prosthodontics) in 2003 from College of Dental Sciences, Davangere. He has several ongoing research projects.
Dr. Arundathi N. Raj completed BDS in 2000 and MDS (Prosthodontics) in 2005 from SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad. She is also a PG guide and has several ongoing research projects.

Dr. Vachan Poonacha, completed BDS from A.B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore in the year 2006, and MDS from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet in 2010. He has several ongoing research projects.
Image Dr. REGISH K.M.

Image Dr. UTHAPPA M.A.
Dr. Uthappa, completed BDS in 2007 from JSS Dental College and Hospital, Mysore and MDS (Prosthodontics) from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences in 2010. He has completed the Nobel Biocare implant fellowship programme and has a special interest in implant dentistry. He has several ongoing research projects.

Dr. Mallikarjuna D M completed his BDS in 2009 from Bapuji Dental college and hospital, Davangere and MDS in 2013 from V. S. Dental college affiliated to RGUHS. He has won the best table clinic at the National Conference. He has guided many undergraduates for paper and poster presentations for the National UG conferences. He has numerous articles published in various national and international journals to his credit.

Senior Lecturer
Dr. Kiran Sunny completed his BDS in 2013 from Yenepoya dental college and MDS in 2017 from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. He has numerous articles published in various national and international journals to her credit.

Senior Lecturer
Dr. Arjun Rajan completed his BDS in 2011 and MDS in 2016 from Coorg Institute Of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. He has won the second best table clinic presentation at the 2nd KPS conference held at Mysore on 19th and 20th of September 2014. He has successfully completed hands on courses on dental LASERS and Dental Implants conducted by Nobel Biocare at Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences in 2011 and 2014 respectively. He has various publications in pubmed indexed journals. He has also guided many undergraduate students for their paper and poster presentations

Senior Lecturer

Senior Lecturer
Dr. Unni Pympallil completed his BDS in 2015 in A J Institute of Dental Sciences and completed his MDS in 2018 from Yenepoya Dental College which is affiliated to Yenepoya University. He has guided many undergraduates for paper and poster presentations for the National IPS UG conferences. He has numerous articles published in various national and international journals to his credit

Senior Lecturer
Dr. Junu Henry completed her BDS in 2015 from Government Dental College and Research Institute, Bellary and MDS in 2019 from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS, Bangalore. She has won the best poster presentation in 20th Indian Prosthodontic Society National Postgraduate Student Convention. She is certified in Tobacco Sensitization and Control Activities. She has guided many undergraduates for paper and poster presentations for the National IAOMR UG conferences. She has numerous articles published in various national and international journals to her credit.
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Pallavi N. T completed her BDS in 2015 from J.S.S Dental Vollege and Hospital and MDS in 2019 from Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences affiliated to RGUHS. She has won the best paper presentation at 46th Indian Prosthodontic Society National Conference, Mangalore, Karnataka held on November 2018. She is certified in Tobacco Sensitization and Control Activities. She has guided many undergraduates for paper and poster presentations for the National IAOMR UG conferences. She has numerous articles published in various national and international journals to her credit.

Clinical Facilities

Facilities available in the Removable partial denture section:
Replacement of missing teeth (single tooth to multiple teeth) with acrylic plate partial or cast partial dentures that can be removed on a regular basis.
Facilities available in the Fixed partial denture section:
Replacement of missing teeth with artificial teeth that are securely luted/fixed to the remaining teeth and that cannot be removed on a regular basis.
Facilities available in the complete denture section:
Replacement of full complement of teeth by artificial substitutes with the help of complete dentures.
Dental Implants section:
Replacement of missing tooth/teeth with a fixed artificial tooth/teeth that are retained by means of an implant/fixture that is implanted into the underlying bone without jeopardizing the integrity of the adjacent natural teeth.
Maxillofacial prosthesis section: Replacement of missing craniofacial tissues (eye, ear, nose etc) with artificial biocompatible substitutes.


  • Dr. Uthappa MA, Dr. Pradeep Samuel & Dr. Pavithra K Ramana, Best Poster: ‘CAD-CAM with an emphasis on cast partial dentures’ in the 1st International Congress on CAD-CAM and Implant Dentistry, Bangalore. 26th – 28th August, 2009.
  • Dr. Pavithra K Ramana, Dr. Pradeep Samuel & Dr. Uthappa MA, Best Table Clinic ‘Gadgets Revamped in the 12th National PG Student Convention, Chennai. 4th – 6th June, 2010.
  • Dr. Pradeep Samuel, Best paper: “Surgical templates – a requisite for prosthetic perfection” 16th National Conference of Indian Society of Oral Implantologists, Chandigargh. 13–14 December, 2009.
  • Dr. Pradeep Samuel, Second place in paper: ‘Low Level Laser Therapy – An enigma to explore’ in the 4th International Indian Academy of Laser Dentistry Conference, Mumbai. 3–4 April, 2010.
  • Dr. Sambit Subhas, Best paper: ‘Management of traumatic bone cyst in a multidisciplinary way’ in the 4th National Conference of Indian Society of Prosthodontics-Restorative- Periodontics, Dharwad. 22-24 July, 2011.
  • Dr. Jumol Joseph, Best paper: ‘The various splinting techniques in implant impression’ at 40th Indian Prosthodontic Society Conference & 8th Biennial Meeting of Asian academy of Prosthodontics, 5-9-2012, Chennai.
  • Dr. Aysha Shazia, First Prize: Poster Presentation at 41st IPS National Conference, Nov 2013, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Dr. Mansi Nautiyal, First Prize: Paper presentation at 2nd interstate and 42nd Karnataka state dental conference. Mangalore 28-30th November 2014.
  • Dr. Arjun Rajan, Dr. Biju Joseph, Dr. Mithun Karakaddi, Third place in table clinic at 2nd Karnataka Prosthodontic Society Conference Mysore. 18-20th October 2014.
  • Dr. Ayesha Shazia, 6th rank in RGUHS University, Final Year MDS Examinations (June 2015)
  • Dr. Shraddha Tamore, Dr. Nigel Tom, First Prize: Paper presentation at 18th Indian Prosthodontic Society, National PG Convention, Bengaluru. (24th to 26th June, 2016).
  • Dr. Fouziya Begum, Dr. Kiran Sunny, Second prize: Paper presentation at 18th Indian Prosthodontic Society, National PG Convention, Bengaluru. (24th to 26th June, 2016).
  • Dr. Bharat Kataraki, Fifth rank in RGUHS University, Final Year MDS Examinations (June 2016).
  • Dr. Biju Joseph, 7th rank in RGUHS University, Final Year MDS Examinations (June 2016).


  • Hybrid maxillofacial prosthesis: A case report. Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society, 2010; Vol 10(4): 253-256.
  • The use of autogenous bone block for correction of ridge deficiency in anterior maxilla. Dental practice ; may-June 2011,vol10:2
  • Immediate Extraction and placement of root analogue Zirconia Implants. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dentistry 2011; 3(3):e240-5.
  • Techniques of fabrication of provisional restorations. An overview. International Journal of Dentistry 2011;2011:134659. Oct 12
  • An overview of immediate root analogue Zirconia Implants. (Accepted, Under Publishing) Journal of Oral Implantology 2011 Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print]
  • CLOP Parallizer: A novel innovative guide adjust occlusal plane. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research, 2012; Vol 1(1): 14-17.
  • A comparative study of the effect of torsional forces on the retention of three prefabricated endodontic post systems of different designs bonded with glass ionomer cement. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research, 2012; Vol 1 (1): 1-5.
  • Disinfection of impressions – An overview. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research, 2012; Vol 1 (1): 23-25. A simple method of fabricating Custom-made ocular prosthes
  • is: A case report. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research. 2012; Vol 1 (2): 21-25.
  • Prosthetic rehabilitation of a marginally resected mandibular arch with a metal reinforced telescopic overdenture: A clinical report. The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 2012;16: 1-5.
  • Leonardo da Vinci’s divine proportion in establishing vertical dimension. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research. 2012; Vol 1 (2): 1-7.
  • Golden proportion and its relevance in smile designing in coorg population. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research. 2012; Vol 1 (2): 12-15.
  • Nature of occlusion during eccentric mandibular movements in young adults. Journal of contemporary dental practice. 2012; 13(5):612-617
  • Maxillary complete arch rehabilitation using semi-rigid connectors – A case report. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research, 2012; Vol 1 (1): 6-9.
  • Peri- implant soft tissues an procedures to enhance the soft tissue profile around dental implants. Dental practice ; may-June 2012:vol11:1
  • Reconstruction of A Midfacial Defect using an Intraoral-Extraoral Combination Prosthesis employing Magnets: A Clinical Report. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dentistry. 2012;4(3):e186-8.
  • Evaluation of the effects of different groove length and thickness of the retainers on the retention of maxillary anterior base metal resin bonded retainers – an in vitro study. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dentistry. 2012;4(2):e91-6
  • Evolution of Root analogue implants. A review study. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry, Vol 5, Issue 4.
  • Tissue Sculpturing: A Method for improving esthetics of anterior fixed prosthodontics: A Clinical Report. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry, Vol 5, Issue 4.
  • Techniques of fabrication of provisional restorations. An overview: Republished in, Henry schein, Minerva dental
  • Zirconia as an implant material: An overview. Indian Journal of Dental research. Vol 2012, Vol. 23(5); 643-9.
  • Interferon Stimulated Gene - ISG15 is a potential diagnostic biomarker in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2013.Vol 14 (2):1697-1700.
  • Acceptable Deviation between Facial and Dental Midlines in Dentate Population. Journal of Indian Prosthodontic society. January 2013 Personal Identification using Quick response Code incorporated in dentures. Archives of Oral Research 2013:Vol.9;Issue 1
  • A new cost effective way of rehabilitating ocular defect with custom made ocular prosthesis. Journal of Multidisciplinary dental research. 2013; Vol 2 (1): 10-15.
  • Various splinting materials used in open tray implant impressions. Journal of Multidisciplinary dental research. 2013; Vol 2 (1): 47-52.
  • In vitro comparison of flexural strength and elastic modulus of three provisional crown materials used in fixed prosthodontics. J Clin Exp Dent. 2013;5(5):e212-7
  • Effect of four disinfectants on the dimensional accuracy of polyether, addition silicone and condensation silicone impression materials on the resultant gypsum casts . An in vitro study. Journal of Nepal Dental Accocoation. 2013; Vol 13 (1): 45-51.
  • Evaluation and Comparison of the Internal Fit and Marginal Accuracy of Base Metal (Nickelchromium) and Zirconia Copings Before and after Ceramic Veneering: A Sem Study. Eur. J. Prosthodont. Rest. Dent., 2013: 21:1-5.
  • Comparison of the Flexural Strength of Two Dual Cure Adhesive Resin Cements Under Oral Simulated Conditions: An In-Vitro Study. Eur. J. Prosthodont. Rest. Dent. 2013:21;1-5
  • Evaluation of shear bond strength of composite resin bonded to porcelain following five types of surface treatments – A 24 hour invitro study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research. 2014; Vol 2 (2): 7-15.
  • Clinical and laboratory methods for evaluating and correction of retentive force of cast clasp. J Multi Dent Res. 2014:2(2);51-56.
  • Congruity of lasers and dental implants: An overview. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research. 2014; Vol 2 (2): 57-64.
  • Various splinting materials used in open tray implant impressions. Journal of Multidisciplinary dental research. 2013; Vol 2 (1): 47-52.
  • Variation in overdenture therapy for worn out and congenitally abnormal teeth-part-1. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry 2014, Vol 7, Issue 1.
  • Overlay dentures: a review and report of four cases. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry 2014, Vol 7, Issue 1.
  • Space Management In Paediatric Dentistry Journal Of Dental Panacea Vol 1 No.2 2014.
  • Effect of Desensitising Laser Treatment on the Bond Strength of Full Metal Crowns: An In Vitro Comparative Study. Journal of International Oral Health. 2015; 7(7):1-6
  • Prosthodontic Rehabilitation - Cutting Edge Treatment for Amelogenesis Imperfecta. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research. 2015; 3 (1): 18-23.
  • Surface characterization of zirconia implants. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research. 2015; 3 (1): 78-90.
  • An Overview on Platform Switching. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research. 2015; 3 (1): 66-77.
  • A comparative evaluation of the micro-organisms present in infected and reinfected canals with apical periodontitis before and after placement of three intra-canal medicaments: An in-vivo study. J Res Adv Dent 2015: 4 (1) : 135-141.
  • Invitro comparison of retention and marginal leakage of provisional crowns cemented with provisional cement enriched with three different additives. International Journal of Dental and Health Sciences. Dec 2016.
  • Alveolar distraction osteogenesis and implant placement. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research. 2015; Vol 3 (1): 54-65. Provisional restorations: An overview of materials used. Journal of Advanced Clinical & Research Insights (2016), 3, 212–214.
  • Surface modifcations of titanium implants – The new, the old, and the never heard of options. Journal of Advanced Clinical & Research Insights (2016), 3, 215–219.
  • Management of Fractured Mandibular Single Complete Denture Opposing Natural Maxillary Dentition By the Implementation of Functionally Generated Path Technique – A Case Report. International Journal of Dental Health and Sciences. Oct, 2016
  • Prevalence of Tooth Shade and its Correlation with Skin Colour - A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR. 2016 Feb;10 (2):ZC72.2.
  • Abutment Options for the Restoration of the Malaligned Implants: A Review. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews 2016;2(12):1-5.
  • Comparison of Different Post Systems for Fracture Resistance: An in vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(3):1-4.


Conferences/ CDE Programmes conducted:
  • CDE programme: ‘Turkom-Cera’ at CIDS – Virajpet, August 9, 2007.
  • CDE programme: ‘Nasoalveolar Molding’ at CIDS – Virajpet, July 25, 2007.
  • PREP’ 2007 – Symposium on restorative triad, October 12 & 13, 2007.
  • CDE programme: ‘Smile design and restorative procedure’ by Dr. Aravind Shenoy. At Virajpet on 13th September.
  • CDE programme: ‘Nobel Biocare CDE. Incorporating Implants in everyday practice’ by Dr. Nitish Surathu. Virajpet, Coorg. March 14th, 2008.
  • ISPRP conference conducted at Mysore, August 2010.
  • Workshop: ‘Construction of balanced complete dentures’ by Dr. Chandrashekar Nair.
  • Workshop: ‘Post and core: All the way’ on 13th September 2012 at Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, By Dr. P.C. Jacob.
  • Workshop: ‘The art of custom making ocular prosthesis for various types of ocular defects’ on 14th June 2013.
  • Workshop and one-on-one session: ‘Simplifying shade selection and advice of colour’ IPS PG Convention Nagpur (10-12 July 2015) conducted by Dr. Rupesh PL.
  • CDE programme: ‘Implants and Maxillofacial Prosthesis’ by Dr. Jorge A. Gonzalez, University Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas, from 10th August to 12th August 2015
  • Presto 2014, Workshop on restorative stomatognathics held on 27th & 28th February at Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences.
  • Presto 2015, Workshop on restorative stomatognathics held on on 11th and 12th of September 2015 at Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences.


Areas of Research Interest: Current research:
  • An in vitro study to evaluate and compare the internal fit and marginal accuracy of cast Ni-Cr, copy milled zirconia, CAD-CAM zirconia and direct metal laser sintered co-cr copings.
  • An in vitro study to compare the bond strength of porcelain to zirconia, cast Co-Cr alloy and direct metal laser sintered Co-Cr core materials.
  • Influence of aluminium oxide addition to autopolymerizing repair resin on the flexural strength of surface treated heat-polymerized polymethyl methacrylate denture base resins.
  • A comparative study to evaluate the relationship of the buccal corridor to the smile line, face form and arch form.
  • The effect of disinfection on the compressive strength and surface hardness of Type V dental stone.
  • An invitro study to evaluate the tensile bond stregth between heat polymerized and auto polymerized silicone soft relining materials bonded to heat activated polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) resin after various mechanical and chemical surface treatments.
  • An in vitro study to evaluate and compare the shear bond strength and microleakage between autopolymerized repair acrylic resin and cast partial denture alloy (Co-Cr alloy) using various surface treatment methods.
  • An invitro study to evaluate and compare the tensile bond strength of glass and quartz fiber endodontic posts with root dentin after diffferent surface treatments of posts.
  • The influence of two different laser surface treatments of zirconia copings on the tensile bond strength after cementation with two different types of luting cements- an in vitro evaluation.
  • An in vitro study to evaluate candida albicans adhesion on a denture base resin containing silver nanoparticles and its flexural strength.
  • Flexural strength and copressive strength of coventional glass ionomer luting cement and resin modified glass ionomer luting cement after incorporation of chlorhexidine.
  • Effect of polymerization cycle and incorporation of chlorhexidine on the flexural strength of reinforced heat polymerized denture base acrylic resin.
  • An in vitro study to evaluate and compare the effect of recasting on tensile strength and hardness of two commercially available nickel chromium base metal alloys.
  • An in vivo study to compare the efficacy of gingival retraction using conventional retraction cord, a cordless technique and laser.
  • Comparative study of water sorption and solubility of three soft denture liners in different solutions- an invitro study
  • Effect of immersion and spray atomization technique of disinfection on compression resistance and tear strength of two interocclusal recording materials.
  • Evaluation and comparision of the tensile bond strength of two diferent luting agents on an endodontic fiber post after two different surface treatments – an in vitro study
  • Comparative evaluation of tensile bond strength and gap width between silicone based soft liner and heat polymerized, light polymerized and injection-molded permanent denture base materials.
  • Comparative evalaution of the bond stength of layering porcelain on zirconia, lithium disilicate and direct metal laser sintered co-cr core materials of variable thicknesses - an invitro study.
  • Evaluation and comparison of shear bond strengths of two ceramic repair systems after two different surface treatments – an invitro study.