
Message from the Dean

Coorg (Kodagu) is known down the ages for its equisite flora, fauna and distinct culture of its native people, The Kodavas. In the green dales of Kodagu (Coorg), “The Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences” was established in the year 1999. The institute is known for the quality of education it provides to its students and its relentless service to patients in a pollution free green environment.

India has about 8% of the world’s biodiversity and 2% of the earth’s surface area, making it one of the 12 mega-diversity centres of the world. Coorg is the tiniest district in the Southern peninsula covering an area of 4104 sq km. It lies in the Western Ghats, one of the 8 biodiversity hotspots identified by the United Nations.

Recent studies and survey Ethnopharmacology of medicinal plants in Coorg district, (9th march 2013 journal of pharmacy research 6 (284-297) revealed that 126 plant species belonging to 60 families are being used as ethnic drugs to cure various ailments. A study of WHO depicts that over 80% of world's population depends on biological resources for their primary healthcare demands (Indian J.L.Sci.2 (1): 99-102, 2012).

Recent studies on oral hygiene have shown that herbal medicines are more effective and their use minimises the over dose of synthetic chemicals. Antibiotics have been used to treat existing oral diseases, but prevention has mainly been influenced by diet, oral hygiene procedures and an awareness of oral health. The destruction of normal oral and intestinal flora and undesirable side-effects caused by these synthetic drugs has resulted in the search for safer and more easily available plant sources which may have other therapeutic effects too. Plants produce secondary metabolites for their protection against pathogens. These phytochemicals exhibit a wide range of biological activities. (Journal of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, (2012; Vol. 9, No. 4).

Keeping in view the benefits from herbal medicine, The Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences initiated research in herbal medicines and established a full-fledged research laboratory in the Institute. We also initiated the appointment of a qualified and dedicated team of professionals to work and oversee the research program.

This research team has screened locally available medicinal plants, and worked on screening of biologically active molecules specially used for different oral manifestations of dental diseases. With the help of Senior Professors we have now been successful in getting partially purified biologically active molecules which have been tested on different oral pathogens (in-vitro). The results thus far have been encouraging. Further purification of molecules is under progress using different biochemical techniques like column chromatography and HPLC.

Interestingly we are also working on primary metabolites which have neutraceutical importance. In continuation with this research, seed oils have been extracted and identification of the percentage of MUFA, PUFA, Phytosterols, tocopherols present in the extracted oil, is under progress.

These research activities have fetched a lot of interest in the post graduate students too. Some of the post graduate students are presently working on plant extracts as part of research work and we do hope these will produce good publishing material with scientific temper. This we believe will build their confidence as future scientists and researchers which is so lacking in our country today!!

Apart from oral research we have recently extended our activity towards antidiabetic and anti-hypertensive research. This research toward life style diseases has been attempted considering studies that warn India which is fast becoming the capital of life style related maladies.

The Institute collaborates with Hong Kong University; with the faculty and students of both the institutes working on the efficacy of herbal medicines on oral pathogens. The CIDS also collaborates with the University of Geneva, Sweden on various research projects. The Institute will soon be conducting collaborative research with leading university in Australia and South East Asia.

The continued efforts of our research oriented team members in establishment of the medicinal plant laboratory has benefitted a large number of under graduate and post graduate students in their overall development. I commend the leadership role taken by my innovative team of researchers for the past few years in furthering the cause of Transdiciplinary Health which I believe is the future to healthy living.

Dean & Managing Trustee ,
Head, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics,
Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences.

Institutional Research Council

The CIDS has instituted a research cell entrusted with the onerous responsibility of fostering research through: Promotion, Partnership, Policy formation, Performance and Publication. These objectives are implemented through the Research council and the Research and Funding Coordination Council.

Research assistance is provided to staff, post graduate and under graduate students. Policy formulations are made and appraised on a yearly basis at the start of the academic year. Orientation and training programs on research basics, scientific writing, research grants and biostatistics are regularly conducted on an annual basis. The international collaborations have helped staff and students gain international exposure and provide an opportunity to work alongside the research greats. Research cell extends assistance to the researcher until the final stage of publication or patent.

The Research Council:
Dr. Veena S. N - Oral Medicine and Radiology
Dr. Amit Walvekar - Periodontics
Dr. Basavaraj S. S - Prosthodontics
Dr. Sunil Muddaiah - Orthodontics
Dr. Salin Nanjappa - Conservative and Preventive Dentistry
Dr. George Babu - Pedodontics
Dr. Jithesh - Public Health Dentistry
Dr. Austin Rechard S - Basic Sciences

The Research and Funding Coordination Council:
Dr. Jithesh - Public Health Dentistry
Dr. Radhika - Periodontics
Dr. Roopa S - Orthodontics
Dr. Shanthala B M - Pedodontics
Dr. Shashidara - Oral Pathology


India has about 8% of the world’s biodiversity and 2% of the earth’s surface area, making it one of the 12 mega diversity centers of the world. Coorg lies in the Western Ghats, one of the 8 biodiversity hotspots identified by the United Nations. This uniquely diverse ecosystem is in itself a platform for research and development. The CIDS has established Aavishkar to enable our researchers unlock Nature’s secrets.

This research laboratory is dedicated to phytochemicals, integration of phytochemicals with dental materials and on alternative therapies for lifestyle diseases. Current studies on oral hygiene have shown that herbal medicines are more effective and their use minimize the over dose of synthetic chemicals. Plants produce secondary metabolites for their protection against pathogens. These phytochemicals exhibit a wide range of biological activities and are generally considered safe. The institution has appointed qualified and dedicated team of professionals to oversee and operate the research program.


The Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences is committed to ensuring good research practices. The Institutional review board ensures that all research, particularly involving human subjects is carried out in a safe environment abiding by all the ethical rules that are applied nationally and internationally.

Institutional Review Board guides the institutional researchers that the clinical trials is conducted and data generated is documented/ reported in compliance with study protocol and clinical practice, guidelines issued by Indian Council of Medical research and Central drug standard control organization.

Institutional standard operating procedures have been developed and a working manual has been prepared in order to protect the interests of subjects/participants to research and researchers. It is mandatory that all personnel at CIDS, the graduate, post graduate and the faculty researchers ensure that these guidelines are understood and followed.

For members of Institutional Review Board Click Here.


The institution has forged deep and meaningful relationship with several international universities and dental institutes. The MoU’s are signed testimony of this mutually beneficial interaction that intends to advance scholarly interaction, student and faculty exchange, co-operative research, flexible/distance learning and cultural interchange.

Overseas Visit

Overseas visits to premiere dental institutes broadens the vision and strengthens the confidence of the budding dentist. Exposure to the latest clinical techniques and technologies, teaching methodologies and unique clinical cases are some of the direct benefits of these visits. The faculty and students of CIDS acquaint and interact with the leading minds of dentistry. Overseas visits to collaboration partner institutions and other centres of learning also provides impetus to advanced learning and research.

Undergraduate Research

The CIDS recognizes the importance of research and innovation at an undergraduate level. All under graduate students are encouraged to undertake a research project starting from writing a research proposal to publication in peer reviewed journals.

The institute hosts ‘Quest- The graduate dental extravaganza’ which is an intercollegiate symposium comprising paper and poster presentation, and skill and knowledge competitions.


JMDR- JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY DENTAL RESEARCH JMDR is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by CIDS in collaboration with International Dental Educationists Association (IDEA). The editorial board of the journal includes eminent researchers belonging to the various disciplines of dentistry and medicine. Original articles from all dental specialties are published along with invited reviews from international researchers.

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