Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, established under the aegis of the Coorg Dental and Medical Sciences Trust (R), is an aspiration borne out of deep societal commitment and responsibility. The primary objective of the institution is service of the nation through the medium of science and education. Since its inception in 1999, the institution has strived to provide comprehensive and interactive education; ethical and compassionate healthcare and a platform for research and innovation.
CIDS has the approval of the Ministry of Health, GOI and the Dental Council of India and is affiliated to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. Pre-eminence in dental education and research has always been our prime focus. Towards achieving this goal we have formulated innovative teaching methodologies; skill enhancement and academic appraisal programs; and Research and Innovation Centre. We have collaborations with international universities which is not only a reflection of the deep bond of friendship and understanding but also a reflection of our commitment to excellence.
Dr. Sunil Muddaiah
MDS in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet
Dr. Ponnappa K.C.
MDS in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet
Dr. Jithesh Jain
MDS in Public Health Dentistry
Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences (CIDS). Here excellence is no accident, but a way of life.
The CIDS admits only 40 students in an academic year at the graduate class. This facilitates our highly qualified, dedicated and experienced faculty to devote individual attention and guidance, honing students' skills and enabling them to attain greater levels of professional competence and confidence.
Founded by the Kanjithanda Kushalappa foundation in 1999, CIDS has established firm credentials as an exemplary educational institution emulating high standards of academic excellence. In just under a decade, CIDS has garnered recognition from the Dental Council to provide professional education and training for students to attain the Masters Degree. More than a mere qualification this recognition underscores this institution's teaching-learning ambience, faculty excellence, graduate rating and high standards of academic brilliance and research.
The CIDS has achieved international recognition with a host of pan global collaborations. We have regular faculty exchange programs, student exchange programs and strong research activities with the Faculty of Dentistry, Hong Kong University; University of Geneva, Switzerland and a host of other foreign Universities.
Whilst on the one hand, the institute teaches students to emulate high professional benchmarks they are also urged to heal with a humane touch. Students are trained to be self-reliant and yet serve the community at large. CIDS is a collation of well-equipped dental clinics, laboratories, instruction halls, residential quarters, hostels and libraries. Set as it is on a 30-acre campus of exquisite trees and flowering shrubs, it makes for a salubrious environment of study and patient care.
This Institute believes in training the students not only to excel as Dental Surgeons but also as responsible ladies and gentlemen who will blend into today's competitive social fabric. This Institution believes in training them for today's international market as efficient doctors, managers, administrators, marketing strategists and above all as, beautiful human beings! This Institute believes that "Excellence is not an Act, but a Habit". This Institute believes in creating graduates who are proud of themselves and their Alma mater.
I am sure CIDS will contribute greatly towards your professional and personal growth. Once again, a hearty welcome!
The vision of the institution is 'to create and nurture committed health care professionals with foresight, scientific outlook and social empathy enabling the cause of science and nation building'.
In keeping with this vision the institution’s mission statement is four-fold, in tune with its area of operation and articulates:
Academic Eminence
Research Erudition
Healthcare Excellence
Social Empathy and National Esteem
With this philosophy the institution aims to be a part of the cogwheel of nation building providing devoted foot soldiers of students and faculty and the ever evolving infrastructure.
CIDS is the result of the untiring efforts of Dr. Sunil Muddaiah and his father Mr. K.K. Aiyappa. The young orthodontist who had a booming private practice was determined to contribute to the dental fraternity in a much larger way. This dream found fruition in the 90's in the form of Coorg Dental and Medical Sciences Trust. Thus in 1999 was born The Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences.
It was the first professional college for the entire district of Coorg. The sapling was carefully nourished during its formative years and by 2006, the institute was a 'post graduate learning centre'. Dr. Nagaraj Rao was the first Principal of the institute and over the years, Dr. Manoj Kumar, Dr. Peter Sequeira, Dr. K.V. Sosa and Dr. Narsi Reddy have held the administrative helm of the college.
Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet is conscious of its social responsibilities and strives to fulfil them by going beyond the call of duty. This is done through a multitude of outreach programs aimed at not only benefitting the society but also to inculcate the same values in our students. For us here in CIDS, charity is Commitment, Assistance, Responsibilty with Empathy.
Nodal Centres:
Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet has a well-established Department of Public Health Dentistry whose task is to provide quality dental care, to spread oral health awareness and to motivate people to adopt oral hygiene measures. To achieve this, the Department of Public Health Dentistry runs and maintains satellite clinics in and around Coorg. Three nodal centers have been established at Siddapur, Virajpet town and Kushalnagar. The clinics have all the facilities and provide dental treatment for a nominal fee benefiting especially the underprivileged in the society. The nodal centres are overseen by efficient and committed faculty members of the department. Undergraduate and Postgraduate students are also posted and this expands their clinical opportunities and productivity.
Free Health Camps:
Free health camps are conducted in association with schools, IDA, NGOs, voluntary service organizations and local clubs. Most of them are at rural areas in Coorg and neighboring districts and parts of Kerala state. The camps offer preventive and restorative treatment procedures and provide a forum for carrying out dental health education programs. We make the best use of audiovisual media to educate and motivate the masses through these camps. We conduct about 80 camps annually in which we treat about 12,000 patients.
School Centres:
The institution is responsible for caring for dental needs of regular as well as special children. The department has adopted Coorg Public School, Gonikoppal along with three other special schools, Cheshire Homes, Polibetta; Opportunity School, Kodagu Vidyalaya, Madikeri and Centre for Special Education and Rehabilitation, 'Swastha', Suntikoppa where dental treatment services are rendered with the help of a fully equipped mobile dental unit during monthly visits. Our faculty members are also posted in Government Hospital at Virajpet to provide dental health care to patients.
Tibetan Refugee Settlements:
Our faculty has extended their services to the Tibetan Refugee Settlements at their hospitals (Sermey, Serajhe and Tso-Jhe-Khangsar) at Bylakuppe. This also provides an excellent opportunity to our postgraduate students to study the culturally diverse populations.
We are also in association with the ‘Charity Advisory Trust’ based in the United Kingdom, which has a program that raises money to give free dental treatment to tribal communities in and around Coorg.
An NGO closely linked to the Institute provides charity to the Community in Health in improving the living conditions of the less privileged.
BIOCON – CIDS initiative:
This is a unique imitative to dignose and provide care to Oral Cancer patients in the region. This initiative is showing encouraging results in primary Oral Cancer care.
CIDS has the approval of the Ministry of Health, GOI and the Dental Council of India and is affiliated to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. Pre-eminence in dental education and research has always been our prime focus. Towards achieving this goal we have formulated innovative teaching methodologies; skill enhancement and academic appraisal programs; and Research and Innovation Centre. We have collaborations with international universities which is not only a reflection of the deep bond of friendship and understanding but also a reflection of our commitment to excellence.

Dr. Sunil Muddaiah
MDS in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet

Dr. Ponnappa K.C.
MDS in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet

Dr. Jithesh Jain
MDS in Public Health Dentistry
Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet
Dean's Message

The CIDS admits only 40 students in an academic year at the graduate class. This facilitates our highly qualified, dedicated and experienced faculty to devote individual attention and guidance, honing students' skills and enabling them to attain greater levels of professional competence and confidence.
Founded by the Kanjithanda Kushalappa foundation in 1999, CIDS has established firm credentials as an exemplary educational institution emulating high standards of academic excellence. In just under a decade, CIDS has garnered recognition from the Dental Council to provide professional education and training for students to attain the Masters Degree. More than a mere qualification this recognition underscores this institution's teaching-learning ambience, faculty excellence, graduate rating and high standards of academic brilliance and research.
The CIDS has achieved international recognition with a host of pan global collaborations. We have regular faculty exchange programs, student exchange programs and strong research activities with the Faculty of Dentistry, Hong Kong University; University of Geneva, Switzerland and a host of other foreign Universities.
Whilst on the one hand, the institute teaches students to emulate high professional benchmarks they are also urged to heal with a humane touch. Students are trained to be self-reliant and yet serve the community at large. CIDS is a collation of well-equipped dental clinics, laboratories, instruction halls, residential quarters, hostels and libraries. Set as it is on a 30-acre campus of exquisite trees and flowering shrubs, it makes for a salubrious environment of study and patient care.
This Institute believes in training the students not only to excel as Dental Surgeons but also as responsible ladies and gentlemen who will blend into today's competitive social fabric. This Institution believes in training them for today's international market as efficient doctors, managers, administrators, marketing strategists and above all as, beautiful human beings! This Institute believes that "Excellence is not an Act, but a Habit". This Institute believes in creating graduates who are proud of themselves and their Alma mater.
I am sure CIDS will contribute greatly towards your professional and personal growth. Once again, a hearty welcome!
Vision Statement
The vision of the institution is 'to create and nurture committed health care professionals with foresight, scientific outlook and social empathy enabling the cause of science and nation building'. In keeping with this vision the institution’s mission statement is four-fold, in tune with its area of operation and articulates:
Academic Eminence
- To provide comprehensive dental education adhering to and extending beyond the curriculum to enable rational and logical decision making, fine clinical skills, ingenuity and empathy in order to develop into responsible health care professionals and citizens of the country.
- To provide a platform for the students and faculty for academic proficiency through cutting edge technology, research and collaboration with eminent individuals and institutions in India and abroad.
- To foster a temperament of research and inquisition in undergraduates, postgraduates and faculty alike. This includes material acquisition, technical advancement, innovation and knowledge renewal.
- The research policy provides impetus for home grown solutions to the common oral problems. This comprises focus on regionally prevalent oral and paraoral diseases, testing of indigenous medicaments and basic research.
- To provide affordable health care in the field of dentistry and head and neck disorders and also dispense general medical consultation to our patients. This is in keeping with the geographical location of the college in a hilly location and catering to a semi-urban/ rural populace.
- To ensure consultations and treatments of the highest standards which are on par with international standards.
- To adhere to ethical clinical practices and treat each individual with utmost respect and responsibility.
Social Empathy and National Esteem
- Social empathy is the linchpin of the institution’s modus operandi.
- The institution is receptive socially and extends services to all sections of the society. Social sensitivity is inculcated in employees and students of the institution as it is situated in a tourist destination and caters to not only the local populace but also to neighbouring states and people of other nationalities.
CIDS is the result of the untiring efforts of Dr. Sunil Muddaiah and his father Mr. K.K. Aiyappa. The young orthodontist who had a booming private practice was determined to contribute to the dental fraternity in a much larger way. This dream found fruition in the 90's in the form of Coorg Dental and Medical Sciences Trust. Thus in 1999 was born The Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences. It was the first professional college for the entire district of Coorg. The sapling was carefully nourished during its formative years and by 2006, the institute was a 'post graduate learning centre'. Dr. Nagaraj Rao was the first Principal of the institute and over the years, Dr. Manoj Kumar, Dr. Peter Sequeira, Dr. K.V. Sosa and Dr. Narsi Reddy have held the administrative helm of the college.
Approval & Recognition
- Name of the Trust of the college with their necessary documents along with Trustee / Chairperson name.
- Name of the college, address, photographs and Phone/ Fax/Email numbers with their intake capacity of BDS and MDS seats (Specialty-wise) with recognition / approval status
- Copy of Essentiality Certificate issued by the State Government.
- University affiliated with – Name of the University with their address and phone numbers .
- Academic brochure
- Principal’s Name with their telephone number, emergency direct number, fax, email
- A copy of the approval / recognition letter issued by DCI / GOI since inspection of the institution along with copy each of the Notifications.
- Details of students admitted in BDS and MDS course year wise and specialty wise information.
- Annual holiday list approved by concerned university.
- University Examination Schedule.
- Details of attached General Hospital and attached Medical College with name, address and Phone / Fax / Email numbers along with copy of latest Agreement with hospital authority.
- Anti-Ragging Committee Details.
- Women Welfare Committee Details.
- Student Council Details.
International Collaborations
Social Outreach
Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet is conscious of its social responsibilities and strives to fulfil them by going beyond the call of duty. This is done through a multitude of outreach programs aimed at not only benefitting the society but also to inculcate the same values in our students. For us here in CIDS, charity is Commitment, Assistance, Responsibilty with Empathy. Nodal Centres:
Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet has a well-established Department of Public Health Dentistry whose task is to provide quality dental care, to spread oral health awareness and to motivate people to adopt oral hygiene measures. To achieve this, the Department of Public Health Dentistry runs and maintains satellite clinics in and around Coorg. Three nodal centers have been established at Siddapur, Virajpet town and Kushalnagar. The clinics have all the facilities and provide dental treatment for a nominal fee benefiting especially the underprivileged in the society. The nodal centres are overseen by efficient and committed faculty members of the department. Undergraduate and Postgraduate students are also posted and this expands their clinical opportunities and productivity.
Free Health Camps:
Free health camps are conducted in association with schools, IDA, NGOs, voluntary service organizations and local clubs. Most of them are at rural areas in Coorg and neighboring districts and parts of Kerala state. The camps offer preventive and restorative treatment procedures and provide a forum for carrying out dental health education programs. We make the best use of audiovisual media to educate and motivate the masses through these camps. We conduct about 80 camps annually in which we treat about 12,000 patients.
School Centres:
The institution is responsible for caring for dental needs of regular as well as special children. The department has adopted Coorg Public School, Gonikoppal along with three other special schools, Cheshire Homes, Polibetta; Opportunity School, Kodagu Vidyalaya, Madikeri and Centre for Special Education and Rehabilitation, 'Swastha', Suntikoppa where dental treatment services are rendered with the help of a fully equipped mobile dental unit during monthly visits. Our faculty members are also posted in Government Hospital at Virajpet to provide dental health care to patients.
Tibetan Refugee Settlements:
Our faculty has extended their services to the Tibetan Refugee Settlements at their hospitals (Sermey, Serajhe and Tso-Jhe-Khangsar) at Bylakuppe. This also provides an excellent opportunity to our postgraduate students to study the culturally diverse populations.
We are also in association with the ‘Charity Advisory Trust’ based in the United Kingdom, which has a program that raises money to give free dental treatment to tribal communities in and around Coorg.
An NGO closely linked to the Institute provides charity to the Community in Health in improving the living conditions of the less privileged.
BIOCON – CIDS initiative:
This is a unique imitative to dignose and provide care to Oral Cancer patients in the region. This initiative is showing encouraging results in primary Oral Cancer care.