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26th TO 28th FEBRUARY 2024


The International Dental Educationists Association (IDEA) in collaboration with Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet hosted the Eight Pan-global Graduate Dental Science Symposium at the Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet from 26th to 28thFebruary 2024.

Quest 8.0 is the eight editions of this Symposium, which began in 2017 with a focus of bringing about scientific temper, encouraging innovation and creating entrepreneurs among dental undergraduate students. The program has achieved an international recognition from the year 2018, which saw participation from international universities and dental institutions from India.

Col Manu Krishnan Army Research & Referral Hospital, New Delhi delivered the “Mr. K. M. Kushalappa” Oration on the topic “Dental Research: Glorious Past, Exciting Future”.

“The Henry Gray” Oration was delivered by Dr. Suresh Nayar Immediate Past President, British Society of Prosthodontics Associate Professor, University of Alberta, Canada on the topic “Collaborations- Key to successful outcomes in maxillofacial prosthodontics”.

The Mrs. Ponamma Kushalappa Oration was delivered by Dr. Vinod Krishnan Prof and Head Department of Orthodontics, Sri Sankara Dental College, Trivandrum on the topic “Biology, Orthodontics and Dentistry where do they meet?”.