Master class (Lecture + Panel Discussion) was conducted at Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences on 23rd May 2024, in order to emphasize it's significance pertaining to it's principles and goals in the field of Dentistry.
The online lecture was taken by an eminent speaker, Dr. Navaneetha Cugati, a Pedodontist from AIMST University, Malaysia and a committee head of Sustainable Dentistry herself.
The Panel Discussion was the highlight of the program in which the moderator (Dr. Gaurav) panellists (Dr. Sujith, Dr. Lamea, Dr. Shankar & Dr. Sharath) individually took up various sections of Sustainance like Travel & Equipment, Ecosystem & Biodiversity, Waste Management Protocols & measures of Endurance in Sustainance.
The program was attended by our Dean, Faculty (both Medical & Dental), Under Graduates, Interns and the Post Graduates of our institution.